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Danny LFS
Demo licensed
Quote from Kaxuxo_Jr :Can Some 1 Make a Citröen AX GTi for XFG???

Thank You all

Danny LFS
Demo licensed
Quote from The Very End :You can joine those servers, you just need the same tweak settings as the host. If the values are identically it's no problem

I mean you need to hack into the host PC to know the settings... Also t*e*k is as illegal as c*a*k is.
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
I have an USB controller... of PS2... easy peasy to drift with it! Even with default XRG Setup. Tried with XRT on Patch W and worked well too.
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
Quote from The Very End :Hmm strange, never seen that message before, maybe some new message added or has it allways been one like that?

This normally happens when someone is using t*e*k on the server, thus you can't join unless you hack into his/her computer... Happened to me once.
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
You peeps are making me look lame. This is the test patch thread not the test junk thread...


I have not found any new bugs yet...
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :



Please, I don't want to do this again.
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
It was a joke. Don't you know what sarcasm is?
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
Quote from Shadowww :

Edited Blackwood.wld fail
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
Quote from scottdonny08 :when is the scirocco going to be released anybody know yet?

When the devs think it won't be embarassing to do so.
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
Quote from GrAnT46 :<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

HTML fail.

Quote from Ndrew :Heck, even a flat autocross dirt/mud area would be a blast on it's own like a few (even me) were suggested or asked before.
AU tramac -> AU dirt or even BL3 would do it. That would be megafun.

Danny LFS
Demo licensed
/closepit=yes/no : Close/open the pit lane. Who enters the pit lane while it is closed is forced to spectate (Does not affect joining players, but they need to stop at pit exit or they'll be spectated.).

/permaban USERNAME : Permanently ban an user from the server.
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
Nicely pointed, J@tko.

@aroX: you failed!:P

@J@tko: You win!
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
Quote from sil3ntwar :Hit numbers 1 or 2 and save a replay of your lap. 1.18 seems extremely offence intended.

My PB FBMW @ BL1 is 1:17.76 as of December 2008. A WR holder would consder it slow, but a 1:15.xx PB dude wouldn't I think...
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
I don't think that's flaming, Shadowww...
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
I might load an S1 server for my team soon with the TBO cars at Soth City Chicane Route Reverse...

off topic: CrashDerby servers will not be online today.
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
Now what is left to happen?
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
Or maybe in December 3105

I'm kidding but really it might never come!
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
I don't love cruise, but I do go to cruise servers when I'm bored.

And selling InSim programs should be disallowed, as is with the license (You can't sell your license).
Last edited by Danny LFS, .
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
make cruise insim?
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Congratulations on Most Stupid Post Ever®.

Danny LFS
Demo licensed
*facepalm* Z12 has Scirocco!!! WHY DEVS DONT RELEASE Z12!! WHY WHY WHY!!!!
2 additional S2 servers
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
I have added 2 other S2 servers:

BS|CrashDerby S2 2


BS|CrashDerby S2 3


BS|Crashderby S2 was renamed to BS|CrashDerby S2 1, but the configurations of the same were kept.

Ah, the demo server is XRG only.
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
Quote from skylinekid :ok Mr.Demo... just kidding.
But seriously, buy S2. its well worth it

That offends me. Seriously. And I'm REALLY considering buying the game. If all are saying it's worth every pound, then I might buy it.
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
I have that skin on XRG. Don't know who the heck made it though, but it's a great skin. Yours too, Bean0, as all your skins are. My skin is a piece of crapload compared to yours man.. QUALITY WORK.
Danny LFS
Demo licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :

Personally LFS is lacking behind other sims now, S3 needs to be released sooner rather than later.. IMO!

IMO! You should go play rSucktor because it has cool mods although it sucks.